Broken Arrow Public Schools mobile app available for download
Broken Arrow Public Schools has a free mobile app to provide parents, students and families with the latest news and information from across the district. This mobile app is available on both Apple and Android devices and was designed as a one-stop-shop to access school news, calendars, Parent Portal accounts, lunch menus, bus stop information and more. It also gives students and parents the ability to easily report bullying or a threat.
In addition, the mobile app can be customized by the user by selecting schools in which they will push notifications, news and calendar updates.
Download the app:
Apple: Download from Apple Store
Android: Download from Google Play
How to receive push notifications from certain school sites:
Click the “Settings” icon in the app
Click the schools sites you would like to receive notifications from
Scroll down and click “Save”
For more information, please contact the district’s communications division at 918-259-5700.