Families & Community
Broken Arrow Public Schools is committed to the safety and wellbeing of its students and staff and is prepared to efficiently and effectively respond to a multitude of emergency situations. In the event of an emergency, news and up-to-date information will be posted here. Please bookmark this website.
Parents should ensure their emergency contact information is up-to-date by contacting their child’s school site.
Broken Arrow employees should contact the human resources department at 918-259-5700 to update their emergency phone number.
BAPS has invested millions of dollars and countless hours making sure our security equipment and protocols are the best they can be. The district is consistently reviewing and evaluating procedures in cooperation with the Broken Arrow Police Department and other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.
While some details of BAPS' security plans are confidential, here are a few facts:
BAPS employs a campus security coordinator who has more than 25 years of law enforcement experience. His team includes four full-time school resource officers as well as multiple off-duty police officers to provide security across the district.
BAPS maintains a FEMA-trained School Emergency Response Team (SERT) of 15 district administrators from varying sites and departments.
All school sites feature secure entrance vestibules and conduct state-required emergency drills each semester, including lockdown and intruder drills.
BAPS monitors more than 1,000 security cameras across the district.
BAPS treats all threats as serious, viable threats. What the district does in the event of an emergency depends on the situation and the specifics of the incident.
Notification to impacted parents/staff:
School officials, and sometimes emergency responders, will evaluate the seriousness of each situation and determine the best course of action to respond quickly, safely and appropriately.
Parents of the students impacted and school site personnel will be notified first through the district’s auto-call/email system, Apptegy/Thrillshare. This call and/or email will be sent only after responders and district administrators have ensured the safety of Broken Arrow’s students and staff. In an effort to provide accurate and helpful information, it is important for parents to understand that their patience during such an event is appreciated.
Notification to general public/media:
After impacted parents and staff have been notified, a statement to the general public and media outlets will be posted on this website. During emergencies, this page may be updated frequently. Please hit the "refresh" or "reload" button on your web browser to access recent content.
Please understand that a number of details may not be released due to the protection of juvenile identity or an ongoing investigation.
Pending the severity of the emergency, the district’s social media channels may or may not be utilized. Please don’t rely on social media to receive timely information, and instead use this emergency website.
Parents have an important role in preparing their children for emergencies.
If you are made aware of a threat, please contact the school district or the Broken Arrow Police Department. This eliminates rumors that may begin via social media.
Reassure your child that if an emergency occurs at school that teachers and school officials are trained to handle the situation.
Be sure to keep your emergency contact information current and correct.
Talk with your child about the importance of remaining calm and following instructions in the event of an emergency.
Reassure them you will be contacted by the school, and you will be reunited with them as soon as it is safe to do so.
Explain that cell phones should not be used during an emergency unless directed to do so by teachers or school officials. Emergency responders depend on cell phones for communication. If students and parents are trying to contact each other, cell circuits may become overloaded, interfering with the ability of emergency responders to communicate vital information.
For information regarding your child’s school emergency plan, please contact your child’s school site or guidance counselor.
The most helpful parental response is to wait for accurate information and instructions to be sent from school administrators to your emergency phone number and email. Your patience and cooperation during an emergency is vital.
Please do not contact the school. It is essential to keep phone lines open so school officials can make outgoing emergency calls. The parents of those students who are ill or injured will be notified first.
Please do not go to the school. Traffic jams could prevent emergency responders from getting to and from the school. In the event of an emergency and when it becomes necessary to do so, district administrators will communicate with parents on a precise reunification site.
Remain in close proximity to your preferred phone during school hours.
Obtain current and accurate information about the incident here.