Return to Learn - COVID District Protocols
July 22, 2024
Broken Arrow Public Schools is committed to the safety and well-being of its students and staff. The district is proactively monitoring the COVID-19 infection rate and will act in accordance with the Governor's executive orders as well as state and local health mandates.
The procedures and protocols contained in this plan support continued in-person learning while mitigating the transmission of COVID-19 in our schools and community.
Below you will find important safety protocols that will be in place to limit exposure and transmission of COVID-19. All plans and procedures are subject to change as new information is available or if positive cases become more prevalent within our district.
All protocols and procedures are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. If any updates or transitions occur throughout the school year, communication via all regular channels will be shared with parents/guardians and students. We will follow State Law Title 70 1210.189 and protocols will reflect the state language.
Learning Options
Broken Arrow Public Schools is offering in-person learning for grades Pre-K through 12.
Students have the option to apply to Broken Arrow Virtual Academy. The deadline for acceptance is based on capacity. When maximum capacity is reached, transfers are no longer accepted.
Should the district transition to distance learning, parents will be notified of any changes for special education students.
Slowing The Spread Of Covid-19
Continue practicing healthy behaviors. Frequent hand washing and staying home when you feel sick should still be practiced, no matter the time of year.
The Oklahoma Health Department encourages those who are eligible to obtain their vaccination.
BAPS will continue using the same cleaning practices that were utilized in the 2022-23 school year to mitigate spread. For more details see FAQs.
Masks/Face Coverings
Oklahoma Senate Bill 658, effective July 1, 2021, restricts the mandatory enforcement of masks in schools unless a State of Emergency is declared by the Governor, consultation with local and state health officials, and school board consideration.
Masks will be optional for students, employees and visitors, and any person who wishes to mask indoors or outdoors may freely do so.
Monitor For Symptoms
Parents/guardians are encouraged to screen their child for COVID-19 if they are exhibiting symptoms.
Students and staff should stay home if experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness.
If a student begins displaying COVID-19 symptoms at school, he/she should report to the nurse’s office immediately.
Positive Cases: Students
Any student who tests positive for COVID case may return to school after:
No fever (100°) or vomiting for 24 hours.
Respiratory symptoms have improved.
If a student tests positive for COVID-19, but does not exhibit any symptoms, the student may attend school but should monitor for symptoms.
Contact Tracing
In accordance with the Tulsa Health Department and Oklahoma Health Department, Broken Arrow Public Schools is no longer contact tracing effective March 21, 2022.
Athletics, Fine Arts & Activities
All school-sponsored activities and athletic teams will continue to adhere to guidelines put in place by the district and recommendations from state and local health agencies. Please reach out to your child’s coach or club sponsor with any questions or concern
Masks are optional on buses.
We may transition to distance learning by classroom, school site, city quadrant (for bus driver shortage) or by district as needed to reduce COVID transmission or to maintain staffing numbers for a safe learning environment. Our goal is to provide education in person whenever we can maintain in-person instruction safely and responsibly.
The USDA is no longer providing free meals to all students, we are encouraging parents to complete the Free & Reduced meal application for the 2024-25 school year. Completed applications positively affect every district program and department, including child nutrition, instruction, technology, athletics, fine arts and more.
Parents & Visitors
Parents and visitors are encouraged to screen for COVID-19 symptoms before visiting a school site or district office.
In accordance with Oklahoma law, Broken Arrow Public Schools is not requiring COVID-19 vaccines for faculty, staff or students.
Questions and concerns can be directed to the appropriate departments or principals listed on the district's contact page. Public comments regarding the district’s reentry plan are welcomed using this survey link.
We value the input of our community and families. If you have concerns or questions regarding the district's reentry plan, please feel free to contact your child's school or the district office.
For more information, please see below for FAQ’s regarding the district’s safety protocols for students and staff.