Families & Community
The goal for the Oklahoma State Department of Education is to improve academic achievement for all Oklahoma students. This goal is accomplished by providing school administrators, educators, parents, and the community the tools and information needed to accelerate learning. The mission is accomplished by disseminating information through meaningful resources, fostering collaborative partnerships, and providing timely and accurate technical assistance.
By having access to assessment materials, such as parent/student/teacher guides (PSTGs), assessment blueprints, test and item specifications, performance level descriptors and formula sheets, students are provided with resources that support student success.
Online practice tests will be available for students after the first of the year. The OSTP online readiness tool is now available for grades 3-5. Students can utilize this tool to become familiar with formatting of various question types, and the online tools available on the operational tests given in the spring. It is not the intent of this online readiness tool to predict a student's performance level on the operational assessment, but to familiarize them with the online platform.
Broken Arrow 11th graders are required to take the ACT at no charge during their spring semester. Students who take the ACT have access to thousands of practice questions, eight official ACT practice tests, and personalized recommendations for instructions and practice through Khan Academy.