Families & Community
Parents can access their student's state assessment scores through the Oklahoma State Testing Portal. This portal will not only enable parents to view their child’s progress and strengths/weaknesses on the tests, but it will also assist parents with tracking state assessment information throughout their child's academic career. Currently, the portal provides scores starting with the school year 2016-17. Each year, the portal will be updated with new assessment results.
A single parent account can be associated with more than one student and a single student can be associated with up to three (3) parent accounts. All parents will need to create a new account in the portal, if you haven’t logged in since July 1, 2022.
To create an account, you will need the student's state test (STN) number which can be found on the front page of the OSTP paper report.
You can also find your student’s STN through your student’s Infinite Campus Student Portal. The Username and Password are the same that students use to log into their Chromebook each day: student's grad year/first name/last name (e.g. 24robertsmith) and the password is their 6-digit student ID for BAPS.
Please contact your child’s school site counselor or principal if there are any additional questions or concerns.
Additional links are below for more info: